Two posts in one day. Whoa. This one will be short, and it will revolve around a question.
Can I blame pregnancy for being an utter disaster this morning, even if I'm not really showing, am no longer horrifically tired, and am not really nauseous?
In other words, getting ready this morning was quite a task. I tried on a dress that I had gotten shortly after Riley was born. I guess it's nice that it was too big-- so big that it was revealing in almost every possible place it could reveal-- but it still left me looking for another outfit. I threw on a button-down shirt, which is tugging quite a bit at the buttons due to the growth of some... uh... baby-feeding parts. I then slipped on the jeans that I wore last night to the movie. I looked in the mirror, and, oh, for the love... My jeans had a huge stain, I'm assuming from the popcorn topping that we loaded onto our large popcorn at the flick last night. Hmmm... somehow that didn't make it into the last post. Funny. I guess the truth will out. :) My eyes scanned upward and saw that I had a matching, though smaller and lighter, stain on my shirt. As Pooh would say, "Oh bother..." I abandoned the pants but stuck with the shirt. I'm only going to go through so many outfit changes. I wasn't up for thinking through what I'd put on my lower half, so I went the delay-the-inevitable route. I pulled on some comfy black shorts that I purchased from Target yesterday (these shorts... seriously, I'm going to be living in them. Thank goodness I got two pairs) and went to the living room to hang out with Riley while Mike showered. When he was done primping (hehe... this is a test to see if he ever reads these), it was time to decide. I pulled on some brown capris that I really do like but that are, admittedly, probably seeing their last few wears for quite some time. I squeezed the buttons into their slots, and off we went!
It wasn't till after church that I realized I must have neglected the zipper.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Hilarious! I just wrote a new post on our blog... and we seem to have similar themes just different topics. :) It wasn't in the cards for you or I today. haha. Thanks for being a happy ending to the craziness though!