I'm taking this opportunity to compose a blog from our room, which looks out on-- naturally-- gorgeous landscaping and a pool. We can also see the ocean, just as a matter of honesty. This isn't going to be all that exciting, but I'm hoping that it will at least include a few pictures. Here's the only issue: I forgot the camera at my parents' place in Pasadena. This is just about as horrible and annoying as it gets, for me. I mean, really, I discovered the forgotten camera about a week ago, and I'm still reeling. Not cool.
We went out to Target, and I tried to find a cheap camera that would do the trick. I was just going for the disposable, but I realized that-- dang it-- they're not digital, and I may end up paying just as much to get the pictures developed. I'm realizing, right now, that maybe now they put pictures on CDs for you? If they do, I don't want to know. Let me live in blessed ignorance. Here's what I came up with. They had this twenty-something dollar camera that takes digital pictures. I'm not sure how well it works, or if I have upload all the pics in one fell-swoop or if I can do it over and over. Either way, I'm trying it now, with only about 15 pictures on the camera. The reason for this is that the camera is an absolutely horrible design. Although it has no viewer screen, it has a delete button. And it really has no on/off button, so when in a pocket or bag, it can turn itself "on" and delete pictures. It also easily snaps pictures of random blankness. I had 17 pics on the camera at about 2 this afternnon, and when I took the camera out of the stroller after our trip, I had five. The only consolation is that I haven't even viewed the pictures, and I have little clue what was lost.
I'm downloading the software as I type, so we'll see what turns out. Everybody clap your hands and believe really hard. I think that saves pictures... or maybe it's Tinkerbelle.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago