Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We Heart the Children's Museum

After a rather strange morning (Riley napped from 9:30 to 12ish, and Noelle stayed awake for four hours straight-- unheard of...), we loaded ourselves into the car and set off for the Children's Museum. Since we have an annual membership, I'm trying to make it there at least once a week. So far, so good! Riley loves the place! And Noelle is currently still content enough to hang out in her car seat while Big Sis plays. Here are a few shots from our day today!

Riley practically sprinted to the water exhibit the moment we entered. Oh, does she love water!

I call this one "Mom's a Wuss and Didn't Want to Contend with Me, So I Got Out of Wearing an Apron".

This is what Noelle did the whole time. I'm so glad she's such a content baby! This was moments before she drifted off to sleep.

Riley collected every ball she could possibly find to toss in the water. Sorry to all the kids trying to find balls in the neighboring wind exhibit. A little blonde ran off with them.

And that's why you always wear an apron... :)

At this moment, Riley was saying, "NEW! NEW! NEW!" Sorry, kiddo... I only brought one shirt. Go run in the wind tunnel. :)

After all the museum fun, why not create a little chaos in your own home, as well??

Oh, and this shot is from over the weekend, but I can't wait any longer to post it:

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