Monday, March 8, 2010

Three Months!

Noelle is three months! Holy cow! Here she is, with Roly! And more big news... this morning, she rolled over from her tummy to her back! What a big girl she is! It's so crazy, seeing her grow up. I just looked back at some of her newborn pictures, and she already looks so different. I praise the Lord for her health and for her sweet-natured personality. We are so blessed by both our girls!

Daddy posed with the girls before church. What a good-looking crew I have!

I can't help myself. I just adore this hat! I'm pretty sure Mike just shakes his head at this kind of stuff, but, my GOODNESS, isn't it cute?!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute little family! Natalie has the same purple shirt as Riley from Target. She just got her one year pictures taken in it (with a long sleeve white shirt underneath and brown leggings too!). Your bows are as darling as your girls! :)
