Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Anyone like Monty Python?  It can be crude, but it can also be pretty darn funny.  I don't know what it is about the normal meeting with the absurd that makes me laugh, but there it is...  Like this skit:

This post isn't really about the absurd, but it does include both ruffles and dead birds.  Yep.  Let's get started.

I made a Christmas dress for Noelle that I wanted to get a few pictures of.  I used some adorable fabric from Michael Miller that ended up looking great.  My new method of getting Noelle to take pictures is to tell her to FREEZE!  She breaks into a big grin, but she also strikes some pretty funny poses.

After I took the pictures of Noelle, Riley demanded that she get some, too.  I never know with these girls!  Sometimes they flee from the lens, sometimes towards it.  Go figure.  I had made this ruffle tunic top for Riley (with white "dancing pants" that you can't really see), so I think she must have just expected to have to model.  Why delay the inevitable, right? :)

 After the photoshoot, they went back to one of the things they love best: snuggling Brooks!

 And since we're talking things I made-- here are Noelle's dancing pants.  They're black ribbed knit with a little pink flower embellishment.  Riley saw them and demanded a pair of her own.  Yes, sir!  Get right on it, Sir!

And speaking of dancing pants and ruffles, you know what Mike did this weekend?  Slaughter pheasants! (Segway!)

He went out with Ryan, Uncle Steve and Daniel Berry, who brought his well-trained and obedient lab, Mya.

Here's Ryan, displaying his kills...

and Michael...

And here are the three manly men... and dog.  

I have to admit that some of Mike's stories from the day made me want to hurl, but the guys had a blast and each conquered over at least one bird.  Oh, and in case you're wondering, yes, I did pluck and clean the bird myself.  Ha!  Just kidding!  Of course I didn't.  The jury's still out on whether I'm even going to taste it.  

And just to bring this to a satisfying conclusion, here's the other manly man in my life, doing the manliest thing he can currently do: wear blue. :)

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