Monday, December 5, 2011

The ACTUAL Birthday

Yesterday was finally Noelle's actual birthday, meaning that I now have a two-year-old!!

I really want my kids' birthdays to be special for them, and I think that especially applies to Noelle.  With her birthday coming so close to Christmas, I'm afraid she may, too often, get a little passed over. I realize that at the age of two, she's not really aware of all that's happening but still... This year, we had two super new additions to the family, in Brooks and Haley, that made it even more difficult to figure out a time to get the whole family together. I was a little sad that the extended family party got lumped into Thanksgiving, but it worked our alright. And I guess it was kind of fun that her birthday celebration got to spread out over a couple weeks.

I wouldn't say yesterday was an party of epic proportions, but we got to do stuff that Noelle really liked. She donned her birthday dress and went to church. She loves Sunday school. As a side note-- I tried to go to, but with the girls waking up late and Brooks demanding to be fed right when we had to leave, I got to spend the morning-- showered, made up and dressed-- on the couch, listening to a Lake Ave podcast.

She then got some birthday McNuggets (blech). I know, I know... She does love them, though.

After naps, we decided to treat the girls to pre-dinner cupcakes. Then, they wouldn't get super sugared up right before bed. As an added bonus, the girls decorated the cupcakes themselves. They did pretty great. :)

Riley has been pants-less very frequently, as of late.  Why? I have no clue.

Noelle knows how to put down a cupcake.

Noelle got to open her presents from us-- two new ponies! The girl (and her sister) likes those ponies, alright!

My parents had sent Cars 2 in Noelle's birthday package, so we also let them sit down and watch that.  Then we made homemade pizza for dinner.

Nothing too over the top, but even Kona would have to agree-- an overall lovely day!

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