Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dino Buddy

I hadn't uploaded this picture of Brooks with Granddad, so first of all, I had to put this one on the blog:

But the big news of this post is that Great-Aunt Nancy sent us an absolutely adorable dinosaur that will be Brooks' monthly picture buddy!  Well, I'm hoping he'll be his buddy at other times, too, but we'll definitely be posing with him every month.

Doesn't that yawn look satisfying? :)

Sigh.  I'm just a sucker for those cute little feet.

 Brooks, initially, refused to wake up.  But he did enjoy snuggling with his dino, even while snoozing.

 I don't know what Dino was trying to pull, but Brooks suddenly grew very suspicious.

 The girls joined in on the action and were so darn cute.  They just love lovin' on little Brooks.

 This guy will not suffer from lack of attention.

 We finally got some eyes! :)

 So, this isn't Brooks, but Noelle was being such a ham, I had to get a shot of her, too.

 The lighting was getting not-so-great, but I wanted to get all three kids with their Jellycat animals.  And the girls both smiled for me...

 ...and then they flopped. :)

 And as if it weren't already a good day, Papa came to take Daddy golfing and got to spend a little time with us!
 I love love love this shot with Brooks looking at the camera and Noelle's little face in the background.

 Squishy face!

 More hamming around.

 And, of course, we're still really excited to have Nana around!


  1. What's a jellycat animal? I want one!

  2. Yes, you do! They are pretty much the cutest stuffed animals you'll ever see!
