Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Three: a trial run

Today is my first day with three kiddos...

Was anyone surprised?  Even for a moment?  No?  Bummer. 

Okay, Baby Boy is still in my tummy, but today we got our first taste of having a (kind of) baby in our midst. 

My friend, Kelley, has a sweet little girl, Kylie.  Kelley's usual nanny/Kylie's grandma :) is out of town, so I said I would help out for the day.  If nothing else, I was more than a little interested in seeing how Noelle handled the situation.  Ha! 

We're about five hours in, and it has been EASY!  First of all, Riley LOVES babies.  She's giving Kylie all the toys she can find; she chided Noelle when Noelle tried to grab a book Kylie had; she even gasped when Kylie stood up under the table, almost bonking her head.  Oh my goodness, I love the Riley-girl.  She's so freaking maternal. :) 

Second, Kylie is low-maintenance.  She hardly cries; she chugged her formula for me; she's down for her second nap as I type. 

And Noelle...  has been great, too.  I mean, I've already covered the fact that she loves babies.  She just doesn't want them taking over her Mommy-turf.  So there have been a few times when I've held Kylie, and Well-Well hasn't been a fan, but she's recovered quickly.  This is a good learning experience. 

I will say that I'm going to need to figure out mealtimes once little man comes.  Today, I essentially just threw random foods at the girls, so I could make sure they were all taken care of.  Pretzels, pumpkin-orange sauce, milk and goldfish for lunch, anyone?  Sheesh. 

Pretty much the moment Kylie arrived, Noelle and Riley dropped everything.  Noelle gave her a squeeze.  Riley asked if she could hold her-- because that's what you do with babies.  :)

Noelle didn't like being left out, so she joined the other two on the couch...

And just in case Kylie was getting hungry, Noelle was there to help.

Now, I couldn't let a little lady into my house without seeing what I just happened to have in her size, right?  So Kylie, thank you for modeling for me, even though I know it wasn't your favorite thing.

I wish I could've gotten slightly better pictures, but if we have Kylie over a few more times, I'm sure she'll get to the point my girls have finally gotten to: "Fine, Mom, we'll stand here while you shoot some photos, but you better have something really special ready afterwards." :)

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