Friday, August 19, 2011

Oh, what a beautiful morning

This morning has been one of the most wonderful I can remember, and it's only 8:08. 

First, the girls slept in until 7:00.  This is a welcome change from the 6:00 wake-up calls of the past few days.  Second, when I went in to get them, Noelle playfully hid under her blanket, and we had a little giggly session of peek-a-boo.  Meanwhile, Riley hopped around in her bed, smiling.  Then, she looked at me and said, "Guess what!  Riley's mouth is better!!"  I mean, really, could I get a better morning greeting?

It's amazing; when you start recognizing God's grace in everyday occurrences, it's hard to stop.  

The next thing out of Riley's mouth was a request for a doughnut.  She's been asking for one everyday for the past week.  In celebration of a "better mouth", I decided to oblige.  So we tossed ourselves in the car and headed out to Dunkin Donuts.  I got Riley a vanilla sprinkles donut.  (Another miracle: Noelle didn't complain at her lack of sugary goodness.)  Then I thought, You know... What's a DD run without a Starbucks run?  So we continued on our way down Roosevelt to the drive-thru Starbucks. 

I pulled in, and since it was roughly quarter to 8, the drive-thru was pretty backed up.  My car was just up into the driveway.  As I pulled in, a lady came from the other direction.  We both had been driving in as if the other wasn't there, so when we saw each other, we both pulled up a little short.  We chuckled a little, probably because it was pretty apparent that we both had a major hankering for our morning joe.  Then I hunched down over my wheel, pretending to be ready to race.  Ah, early morning humor.  Hahaha, we laughed at my hilarity.  Then I motioned her in.

I ordered my (ready for it?) tall soy tuxedo mocha frap, and the girls and I chatted on our way to the window.  When I pulled up, the girl handed my drink to me and said, "The lady in front of you paid for it, so you're set!"  After a shocked pause, I closed my gaping mouth and looked forward, wanting to try to catch her, but she was gone. 

Now this is a little embarrassing, but as I'm so inclined to do, we're going to go ahead and chalk my response up to pregnancy.  I didn't exactly cry, but I can't-- in good conscience-- not admit to getting teary-eyed.  What amazing generosity.  Whether this wonderful lady is a believer or not, I spent the whole drive home, contemplating the goodness and provision of God.  So thank you, lady, for being a witness to me this morning.  I hope that somehow you'll find this post and know that I'm talking about you.

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