Monday, July 18, 2011

Blackberry Farm

We finished off the day like this:

In case you can't tell, those are my girls, playing in a fire pit.  Now, if  you're not very well-acquainted with me (or if I've somehow miraculously managed to keep some of my idiosyncrasies hidden from you), you don't know that I have a few minor OCD tendencies.  Let me illustrate with an example from yesterday. 

Mike and I took the girls to Rice Pool.  If you're in Wheaton, and you've never done Rice Pool, it really is great.  We splashed and played and "swam."  One of the features at the pool is this pretty amazing waterfall area with a "cave" behind it.  Riley really liked walking behind the water fall, but she only wanted to do it if accompanied by someone.  Mike was walking Noelle around, so the duty fell to me.  I truly love my daughter, and I think this is a great example of that.  I can hardly deal with walking on damp surfaces when I'm barefoot, even if that damp surface is in my bathroom.  When the damp surface is in a somewhat enclosed space where thousands of people have trod, I seriously consider amputating my entire legs.  I really can't describe the feeling that creeps up from my feet when I'm in a damp floor situation, but it makes me want to hurl, scream and take off my top two layers of skin with steel wool.  It's a creepy-crawly, unnerving feeling.  There you have it. 

Back to the fire pit.  I wouldn't say I'm a crazy germophobe, but I do start to get a similar creepy-crawly feeling after going grocery shopping or walking through sand in sandals.  But motherhood has been a great crash course in chilling out.  And that's why I feel fine patting myself on the back for allowing my girls to fling ash, dead grass and who-knows-what-else all over themselves.  Do they give awards out for overcoming oneself? 

We also had loads of other fun at the Farm.  It's a perfect place for my horse- and transportation-loving girls.  They have everything we need: a carousel, a train, and even pony rides.  Both girls rode the ponies, but, sadly, I couldn't snap pictures because I had to make sure Noelle didn't topple off of Frosty.

I did, however, get plenty of shots of the carousel and train.  I think you can tell how the girls felt about both.

 *Look at that; Mike liked it, too. :)

But we also got to eat ice cream, BEFORE DINNER...

...ride on Daddy's shoulders...

... play baggo...

... take strolls...

...and just ham around. 

Overall, a very fun Investortools picnic. :)

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