Tuesday, July 5, 2011

As American as Petting Zoos and Parades

 We had a pretty darn amazing Fourth of July weekend.  I mean, really, we tried to fit in all the American things we possibly could.  First-- All-American family.  Uncle Steve came over, and I'm pretty certain the girls (including Kona) were thrilled with it.

 Second-- All-American gluttony, over-indulgence and petting zoos.  I didn't get a picture of the ginormous plate of freshly-made curly fries that I got at Ribfest, or the Desperado's Psycho sandwiches the boys got, but take my word for it-- we had enough food.  I did, however, get plenty of pictures of the girls at the petting zoo. 

 We spent the $1 to get Riley some food for these extremely well-fed animals, and she loved getting to contribute to the girth of their cute little tummies.

 Noelle, however, took the prize for Most Excited Child in the City of Naperville.  She DRAGGED either Mike or me around the place, chasing whatever animal happened to come into her view.  And don't miss this hilarious fluffy-legged chicken.  Who knew those things existed?

Both Riley and Noelle are big fans of bunnies.  This poor, traumatized bunny got a LOT of lovin'. 

Third-- All-American parades!  I usually DON'T love a parade, but this parade experience has to be one of the best we've had.  Ashley hooked us up with a friend who has a house right on the parade route, so we had shade and even a yard to move around in.  The girls were happy the whole time.  It was a 4th of July miracle.

I love this picture of Riley-girl...

Although she is capable of walking on her own, Noelle's still kind of resistant, most of the time.  However, she's always up for an accompanied stroll!

The Livingston stroller was the place to be for a good half hour.

Robbie, Ashley and Baby Maddie.  We just love this family.

One of the major bonuses of attending the parade-- candy and a mom who will let you get away with double-fisting lollipops.

Our little vagabond-looking child :)

Playmates, taking a break from the parade to play with Kate's toys.

Fourth-- All-American pool party and barbecue.  The night of the 4th, we grilled out.  Sure, it was just for our little family, but it was great.  And while Daddy threw the burgers and potatoes on the grill, the girls splashed around.

Sadly, we didn't have apple pie, but we have to save something for next year, I suppose!

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