Saturday, June 25, 2011

Water Wings, Weddings and Walking Girls

I would have posted this earlier, but we lost power for 40 hours this week.  Ugh.  So here's an update from last weekend!

We had an enormously huge and, overall, awesome weekend.  It began with an early Fathers' Day celebration.  We went up to Arlington Heights, where Mike's extended family gathered.  I have to take a moment to say just how cool it is that his cousins have lived near him almost his entire life.  Only recently have people begun to move off and spread out.  But coming from a family where we would see our cousins and grandparents only a few times a year, this phenomenon has always been really fun to me.  So we met up for brunch and hang out time before the guys left for their annual golf outing.  Sadly, they didn't get to hit Abbey Springs this year, but they did still get to spend time together.  Before they left, however, I got these gems of the kids with Uncle Dan. :)

Then Papa got in on the action, looking out the window with Noelle.

Riley wasn't in a photo-happy mood, but I could have died at the cuteness of these Noelle and Daddy shots...

Now that I'm looking through the pics again, Noelle was a photo shoot CHAMPION!!

Biker extraordinaire...

As I said before, the boys went golfing, and after naps, the ladies (and Ben) went to Great-Aunt Nancy's place for a pool party!!  If you know Riley, you know that she's not the most adventurous kid in the world.  But Aunt Nancy had water wings, so we suited Riley up.  I didn't expect much, though.  I was, ridiculously and happily, very wrong!  Check out my brave girl, swimming by herself.  She did this for a LONG TIME, too!

Aunt Sam is a great favorite with the kiddos, clearly. :)

Noelle demanded a ride in the innertube, and let me tell you, this was a great set-up for both of us.  She kept me warm (and decent, ha!), and she enjoyed lounging.

But they didn't only have a pool at the Seiferts'; they had a ball pit, too!  Look at these next two...

Monkey see...

 Monkey do!

Now, on Sunday, we had the wedding of our friends, Chad and Kelley.  Sarah and Jeff volunteered to watch our kids for the wedding.  Now remember, Sarah and Jeff have two of their own (and one on the way), so we may be eternally in their debt. :)  On the way from the wedding to the reception, I got a text from Sarah, informing me that Noelle had WALKED!!  Apparently, she didn't want Riley to show her up with her swimming abilities, so this was her play for attention.  Of course, I didn't get to witness the first real walk (up to this point, her max number of steps had been two), but Sarah caught one of her walking stints on video.  Sorry it's sideways... I'm not sure how to adjust that.

Now admit it-- that's one of the cutest things you've ever seen, right?  And for good measure, here's Noelle standing, too.  She's been doing this for a while, but it's still worth a pic.

If you've read half of this, nice work!  It got a little sloppy there near the end, but I have been in process for about a week, and sometimes you just have to know when to cut it short.  So there you go!  Now, onto this weekend (and perhaps some more pictures from last weekend that Mom Green got).

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