Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Award Goes To...

I truly feel like I am deserving of the Worst Mom Award. I mean, I'm feeling a little better, now that it's been about an hour since the event, but still...

The day started off so well. I snapped some cute pics of Noelle for her 5-month "birthday."

We ran out to Babies R Us and got Riley her very own "big girl" potty and underwear. (This was going to be the main event of the day, and sadly, deserves much more blog time, but I suppose it's probably better to wait until we actually attempt to use the new items...)

Riley and I played outside and with her animals and zoo while Noelle slept. We shared a piece of toast. Everything was well and good...

Then we went to the Arboretum with the lovable Livingstons. Naturally, this was another fantastic part to the day, until we went to the water-and-woodchip play area. Riley had been begging for the water, so she was pretty pumped when she got there. I think this makes it all the more horrific for me-- seeing her go from the heights of joy to pain. She was splashing with her buddy, totally carefree...

This last shot occurred right before Riley took a downright nasty tumble down that stair behind her. I wish I could say exactly what it looked like-- that may have made it better-- but she fell out of my view, while I was SNAPPING PICTURES. Ugh. Worst mom ever. I do know, however, that it was not a graceful or painless fall. The side of her face is pretty scraped up, with a nice ground burn under her nose.

I scooped her up, snuggled her, then we made a break for it. At this point, Noelle had been cooped up in her carseat for long enough and was also wailing. I put Riley in the stroller and ran as fast as I could (not fast) to the car. The poor thing cried and whimpered all the way home. Actually, both poor things did. Riley even had that devastating lip-quiver going on.

I know she's fine, but sheesh... I couldn't feel more horrible.

I suppose it's a good lesson for me. I can't always be there, and I won't always be there. In fact, her safety is, really, completely out of my hands. So I can be grateful that God is in control. Right now, though, I'm just really grateful and he and Riley are forgiving.

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