Sunday, January 17, 2010

Magic Wands and Tiny Greens

Riley decided she wanted to don her fairy princess wings again. This time, she wore them with her pink princess pajamas, so really, the outfit was complete. She also wielded her wand again, and I kept asking her to cast a magic smell on Kona to make her smell better, but so far, no dice. Kona was, however, on the receiving end of much casting. :)

"And now, Stinky Dog, I bid you to smell like roses!"

I like to pretend that the glare off Kona's collar has something to do with Riley's magic wand. Convinced?

This is one happy and speedy fairy.

And, as happens with all accessorized photo shoots, we are DONE.

Noelle also got to take part in a photo shoot yesterday. Roly decided to join the action, as well, for a few shots.

Our Tiny Green in her tiny green tee :)

Noelle wants everyone to know that Riley isn't the only one who can dispense kisses!

Roly and Noelle, hilariously, are roughly the same shape. :)

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