Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fairies and Assorted Fun

Yesterday, Kona got to have a surprise playdate with Heidi, our Bernese Mountain Dog neighbor. Needless to say, she was ecstatic. And I wish I had snapped some shots because these are two of the most gorgeous dogs you'll ever see, but alas... I'm sure I'll have plenty more opportunities, though. I mention this not only because Kona receives next to no blog time but also because Susan (Heidi's "mom") brought with her a gift for Riley and Noelle. First, she brought us an adorable tea time-themed growth chart. I'd been wanting to get one but had never done so, so it was perfect. I can't wait to chart both girls! Maybe we'll make up Riley's heights from the past 21 months. Hmmm...

But Susan also brought Riley a heart fairy outfit. Naturally, we had to try it on immediately.

Checking out the wand. Also note the plethora of stickers she's attached to the front of her top.

Admittedly, the tiara was a wee bit tight.

Close-up of the cute butterfly wings

This was the best shot Riley would allow. She's not all that in to posing for me these days. Maybe when I get a better camera... Hmmm... ;)

She did, however, show me her wand when I asked. I love this shot.

Another unphotographed event was Riley's blossoming gift of nurturing. She almost makes me cry; she's so sweet. Yesterday, she gently laid her doll then Piglet then Pooh-Bear in Noelle's carseat, making sure they were properly taken care of by covering them with a blanket, burp cloth, hat and also tossing in Kona's toy squeaky squirrel, just in case anyone got bored. However, my favorite Mother Riley moment of the day was when she took our home phone and lovingly laid it in the bouncy seat. She then looked at me, put her finger to her lips, and said, "Shhh!" Blatantly disregarding her directive, I said-- in my normal speaking voice-- "Is the phone sleeping?" She looked at me again and repeated, "Shhh!" "Oh!" I quieted down, "Should we whisper?" Riley, gently reprimanding me, nodded her head. I can hardly stand how much I love this girl.

Noelle, meanwhile, is just a darling of a baby. At one point, while I was reading to Riley, Noelle snuggled up with her favorite blankey. Her chubbiness was too cute not to get on film.

Check out that sweet round face! Actually, yesterday, Riley was pointing out parts of Noelle's face (ear, nose, cheek...), and after pointing to Noelle's chin, she then pointed to it's accompanying sweet chubbiness. "Uh... double-chin, I guess," I told her. :)

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