Friday, October 23, 2009

Sonny Acres

I would love to be in bed right now, but my mind-- as it has a tendency to do-- is racing a mile a minute. I keep thinking about stuff I have to get done. However, instead of getting it done, I'm going to sit at the computer and type. Take that, Stuff!

We've had some pretty nasty days around here, as of late, but we've also had a few jewels. On one of the nice days, Riley and I hopped in the car and headed to Sonny Acres to meet the Livingston clan. What follows is a series of pictures that, I personally think, are ridiculously adorable.

This is the best I got of Riley and Robbie together (with one major exception, soon to follow). They were quickly off and exploring.

"Hey, Mom. What's up?"

Riley just LOVES Baby Ellie. I'm hoping this is a good sign. :)

I'm not entirely certain what they're watching. Could be the windmill, an airplane, another kid... the list could go on and on and on...

We finished off the day with a special treat-- a whole apple, skin and all. Riley, not the fastest eater, spent most of the time at Sonny Acres skinning the peel off with her teeth and spitting it out. Once she got down to that white flesh, though-- oh, glory! Our car ride home was the quietest ride we've ever had; she was that enraptured with her treat.

The photo highlight of the day, I've saved for last. After a couple friendly entreaties from the moms, Ashley and I both caught pictures that will, most likely, horrify both Riley and Robbie when they reach those junior high years (though I hope not). :)

Two cute babies and a first kiss? You just can't beat that.

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