Today, apparently, was the day designated for meltdowns of the massive, extremely loud, and public variety. Let's start with the second one, which came courtesy of this little lady:
Hard to believe with an expression like that, am I right? Right.
The scene-- Trader Joe's. We're just grabbing a few things, and both girls are nicely pushing their little carts around. We've done very well. Neither girl has clipped anyone's heels. Everyone's pretty happy. Then we hit the chip aisle. Something you should know about us: whenever we hit TJ's, we pick up a bag of veggie chips. The girls love those things. They both like getting the privilege of putting said chips in their carts. Today was Riley's turn. She grabbed the chips. Noelle screamed and grabbed her own bag. I told her it was Riley's turn and that, look! she has the cheese crackers! Yay. She tried to put the cheese crackers back. I took them from her and put them back in her cart. She threw them on the floor. I told her that she didn't get to have the veggie chips, but next time... She screamed. She shrieked. She had giant alligator tears running down her cheeks. She stomped then planted herself. I pulled her cart behind me and told her that it was time to pay (for the food, that is... but oh, how I wanted to make her pay... just kidding... kind of...) She continued to shriek but eventually followed. I ignored the looks of the other customers, though I should have just given them all a thumbs-up (maybe a high five?). We don't have frequent public meltdowns, but when we do, run for the hills.
Oh, and apparently they come in pairs, too. Earlier, we were at Riley's second tennis lesson. I knew that her instructor was going to be Gus, so I tried to gear her up for a male coach. I thought it may be something of an issue.
It was.
She clung to me as we stood outside the courts, getting ready to go in. I told her I'd walk with her onto the courts. We got in, and I realized that she had my hand in a vice grip. I tried prying her fingers off. No dice. I tried to get her to run with the other girl in the class. Nope. I told her I'd stay sitting while she did a lap around the court. Still nothing. I pleaded with her: This will be so fun! Gus is nice! Look how much fun everyone is having!! She melted into a puddle of tears and sorrow. I mean, we're talking full-blown, gushing tears. Gus looked at me and whispered, "Want to wait for the next class with Hillary?" Yes. Yes, I do. 'Cause, clearly, this is going nowhere. (Sidenote: class with Hillary was great. No problems whatsoever.)
It kind of makes you wonder-- what does Brooks have in store for me when he gets up from his nap? :)
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago