Friday, September 14, 2012

Go, Team!

It's time for all Chicagoans to start cheering for their favorite team...

 The West Virginia Mountaineers!
We're ready and suited up!  


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mommy Syllabus Shock?

I remember, back when I was in college, those first days of classes.  You'd walk in, learn about the upcoming semester, get the syllabus and walk out in a cold sweat because HOW IN THE HECK AM I GOING TO READ AND DO ALL THIS IN ONE QUARTER?!

I mean, I'm not the only one who dealt with syllabus shock, right?  I'm pretty sure it's a thing.  Yeah.  It's a thing.

So what's the mom version of syllabus shock?  Because I think I'm experiencing it right now.

Really, truly, these last couple weeks have been crazy-pants.  And I only have ONE kid in school!  And it's preschool... only three days a week... for only 2.5 hours a day.

I was trying to process why I've felt so out of my mind, overwhelmed and just plain flaky.  It probably defies definition, but here's what I think are major contributors:

Riley started preschool.  In the afternoon.  I think the afternoon thing has thrown me for a couple reasons.  First, knowing that I have to get Riley to preschool on time, in the middle of the day, looms over me for the entire morning.  I get super anxious if I'm late, so even though it's only 8 am, I find myself checking my watch and trying to plan out every moment up to departure time, so we can be on time.  Second, Brooks and Noelle still nap in the afternoon.  This means that I drop Riley off, throw the other two in bed, let them sleep, then have to wake them up.  Who wants to wake up a peacefully napping kid?!  Not me. 
    I've been stressed about Brooks.  My sweet guy recently was hospitalized overnight because of wheezing and airway constriction.   Then, at his 9-month check-up (that we went to when he was a little over 10 months... Oops.), I walked out with orders to FIVE other doctors.  Ugh.  He will be just fine, but it was a little much.
    The kids are so close to together but are in different stages.  Riley's in preschool, Noelle would LOVE to be in preschool but is still too young, and Brooks is still just kind of chilling, taking in the world.  Here's a good example: Riley gets herself into her carseat herself, Noelle can snap the top clasp, and Brooks still happily gets lugged around a latched in.
Anyway, I find myself conscious of the fact that I'm not firing on all cylinders.  Yesterday, despite the fact that I had it written down in two places and had had a conversation about it, I found myself calling my friend to confirm a playdate because I just didn't trust the state of my mind or memory.  Argh.

Long story short-- I'm clearly a person of routines.  And I'm pretty excited for our routines to get themselves rooted firmly in place.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Apple Picking

 Michael took Thursday and Friday off this past week, and we had an absolutely phenomenal weekend as a family.  I loved loved loved it. 

On Saturday, we loaded ourselves into the van and headed to Kuiper's apple orchard.  We were really hoping that the long-ish trip would pay off.  And it did.  It really did.  Honestly, it was just about as great as I could have imagined it. 

First stop-- tractors.

Then we "played" this absurdly dangerous game.  It's actually set up like cornhole, with two of these platforms.  You're supposed to chuck these fairly heavy washers into the hole.  And as you can see, they're decorated to appeal to kids, so I can only assume that they intend for the game to test out the dads' willpower and discretion (Should I toss this thing while my toddler is running in front of me?  I think I have good enough aim...)

We posed for some sweet apple-themed pictures.

And then we took our hayride out to the "main event"-- apple picking!

This was way better than I thought it could possibly be.  First, there was next to no one there.  I'm not a big fan of the crowds.  Second, the trees were loaded with apples.  Third, the apples were super low to the ground, so the girls could pick them easily.  And they were in such good shape that we didn't really even have to filter the girls' choices.

Brooks made it easy on us by being his content self.

Riley coordinated her own little model shoot.

Noelle double-fisted the apples.

Yes, Kuiper's, we did indeed start a family tradition.  We'll see you next year!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I'm a Big Dude!

Brooks is (a little over) 10 months old! 
 I have moments when I start to lament the baby years. 
 I mean, seriously, how could I NOT?  This guy is just so freaking sweet!
 He's in that really great stage where he's curious and fun.  He loves sitting outside and watching cars drive by, though I don't think he quite "gets" what they are.
 He's a little goofball and is so very very happy.  Anyone who works with him in the nursery at church or WSC falls in love.
 Oh, and he was a huge hit when we went to Jo-Ann's yesterday.  It was the first time he sat in the cart and not just in his carseat, so he was charming everyone.  On a side note, they may or may not know me there... 
 Look at these big puppy dog eyes!
 Brooks wasn't certain about this lying down pose... not that he crawls or moves anywhere.  He just likes to sit and observe.
 But things can't be all bad when you have a buddy with you.

Oh, and in case you forgot that there are two other cute kiddos in the mix, here's what his sisters were doing.
 Riley absolutely loves her "big girl bike" and is doing a pretty awesome job riding it.
 She also chose her accessory... which I bought back in the day when I thought bigger was better.  I do still think this bow is pretty awesome, but it is also-- perhaps-- just a touch too big.  Just a touch.

I'll tell ya-- I'm a pretty blessed mommy.