Tuesday, June 30, 2009

High Chairs and Battles

Goodness... We've had quite the number of battles over meals, as of late. Riley's just a peanut, so I try to get as much food into her as possible, but my oh my, she has not been excited to chow down. It started about a week ago. She screamed whenever we put her in her high chair. Fortunately, we've moved past that. However, just a few days ago, I made a huuuuuge chicken, rice and tomato sauce recipe for her. I tried it, and it was pretty darn good. However, the food touches her tongue and comes back out immediately. (Life lesson #1: Don't double a recipe before you're sure if your kid will even like it.) Now, she's also been into pulling her bib off. I tell her that she can't eat without her bib and replace it. She rips it off again. This morning, she was enjoying a delicious breakfast of yogurt and fresh raspberries. She yanked her bib off, and when I put it back on and gave her a nice raspberry-licious bite, she regurgitated it right back up. Oh, bother.

She must be getting her calories somewhere. Maybe she has a stash of yogurt melts hidden in some corner of her room. I'm just hoping this stage will pass quickly!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Beginning

Inspired by the ultimate blogger, Ashley Livingston, I'm going to make an attempt here...

This will be my third blog endeavor. We'll see how this one pans out. Since I don't have a laptop (not that it would do much good, seeing as how Riley attacks anything with a keyboard), blogs will be relegated to nap-time. Riley just went down for her morning nap a few minutes ago, about two and a half hours later than normal. This is Mom's fault, however, since I just got back from the tennis club.

On to the meat, though... We have two big pieces of relatively new news, a good enough reason to start blogging. First, Michael landed a new job a few weeks ago. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and provision! Mike had been out of work for just a couple weeks when he interviewed at ADT, and they hired him as a salesman. On a side note, they (naturally) loved him-- canceling their final interview because they were so sure he was their guy. That's my man. :) Second, Baby #2 is due to arrive on December 17th! We're very VERY excited! You wouldn't know if from our nonexistent preparations, but truly, we can't wait. We are going to find out if Baby is a boy or girl this time, and that should happen some time in the first half of August.

My life, it seems, has begun to revolve around babies, and I couldn't be happier. This past week, I made the treks to Babies R Us and Target with my friend and former roommate, Becky, to help register for Baby Grace. This past Tuesday, Ashley, Rob and Robbie added beautiful little Ellie to their family. We even got to have Robbie and Rob over for a playdate while Ashley recovered in the hospital. And of course, Mike's sister, Sarah, is due in August with a little girl! Whew-wee! Let the good times roll! Our little one is going to have plenty of role models to choose from!